Boys belonging to the Scottish Bankfood Athletic had a really great time these days in Barcelona. Throughout TakeBall and AMsportstours, the youth Scottish football team was able to train, make competitions and discover Barcelona, the Condal City, during five unforgettable days.
The expedition could enjoy the whole services received both Take Ball and AMsportstours work team, just in arriving to Barcelona, on August, the 2nd. They spent their first day beginning with a double training session in excellent installations in artificial grass, located in The Teixonera, in Valle Hebron passage. Technical and Tactical became the main items for those young promises football players belonging to Bankfood Athletic, that although suffering high temperatures were able to live through a magic night in Barcelona. All group went to the historical Joan Gamper Trophy, celebrated in Camp Nou, where took place 2013-2014 FC Barcelona presentation. They lived a great victory, 8-0, against The Santos brasileño, and could walk through grass besides being present in Messi’s and Neymar’s debut, both present in Camp Nou at that moment, and finally make a tour all around museum of FC Barcelona.
That fantastic adventure follows on the weekend for the Scottish group, that were able to compete with a combined local team in a very equal and amazing meeting, as final result was 4-3. The testimonial defeat by a shock, decided in the last five minutes, didn’t avoid that young players of Bankfood had a great time in Barceloneta beach and in local gastronomy. The well-known tapas made the Scottish group enjoy, that ended their journey around Barcelona with an excellent flavour of mouth, quite literally, and so that they came back home thinking about repeating their experience in Barcelona.